Event: Learn how humans and AI can join forces to accelerate the green transition


Are you ready to embark on a journey into the powerful world of artificial intelligence? You are invited to the very first /imagine futures event where business leaders and experts discuss and unfold how AI will impact our ways of working and what companies and governments need to do today to capture the full value of AI tomorrow.

Our ability to anticipate, understand and harness emerging trends can fundamentally influence the course of our personal and professional lives, our organisations and societies at large.

/imagine futures is your gateway to discovering the dynamics that shape our futures. It is a co-created initiative that sets out to investigate future trends to help us navigate today.

At the event we're bringing together some of the brightest minds in the industry and academia who will leave you inspired and informed. Here's what you can expect:


Date: 6 December 2023

Time: 14:00 - 17:00

Location: Microsoft, Kanalvej 7, 2800 Kongens Lyngby

> see the full programme here

Explore the Cutting Edge

/imagine futures is not just another AI event; it's an experience that will redefine your understanding of how AI will impact our futures. Our agenda is packed with a wide range of topics, from how companies should invest in AI to the latest EU regulations on AI.

Meet the Experts

Our event features keynote speakers and experts who are at the forefront of AI development. They'll share their insights, latest research, and real-world applications. Get ready to interact with pioneers who are shaping the future of AI.

See all speakers here

Seats are limited

Get in contact

Nanna Birkedal
Market Communication Specialist
Communication, Denmark

Tel: +45 41760210