ESG services 

Working systematically with ESG (environmental, social and governance) activities enables a company to strengthen its competitive edge. This involves both complying with reporting requirements and driving sustainability improvements. Establishing a robust framework for managing risks and identifying opportunities will contribute to long-term business performance.  

At COWI, we have many specialists from different sectors and disciplines who have extensive experience in assisting our customers in promoting sustainability initiatives and navigating complex ESG activities and reporting. We provide strategic and technical services within the areas of environmental, social and governance that help companies manage risks, achieve gains and successfully complete ESG reporting. 

Our ESG services span the entire investment life cycle, offering assistance with formulating specific objectives, establishing KPIs and providing consultancy on communication and reporting of the ESG strategy. 

Our extensive expertise in consulting and providing tangible solutions for the technical aspects of reporting ensures that companies comply with EU reporting requirements while creating business value in the short and long term. We do this by strategically and pragmatically addressing the opportunities and risks across the company’s value chain.  

Our services include: 

Strategic consultancy on ESG and sustainability 
  • Specify measures in relation to the existing strategy and visions 
  • Consult on developing green strategies 
  • Focus on how reporting requirements can be strategically integrated into the business, ensuring that they are not just a burden but also value-adding 
  • Develop green procurement policies – simple due diligence and risk assessments in supply chains
  • Integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals into strategy and organisation
  • Anchor sustainability within the organisation through capacity building and raising awareness. 
EU Taxonomy 
  • Assess whether the company’s activities fall under the EU Taxonomy 
  • Technical screening of the company’s projects and investments
    – Assess whether the activities make a substantial contribution to at least one of the EU’s climate and environmental objectives
    – Assess whether the activities comply with the criteria for ‘do no significant harm’ to any of the other environmental objectives
  • Screen whether the activities comply with the minimum safeguards.  
The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) 
  • Double evaluation of materiality on the 12 ESG standards described in the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) 
  • Consult on ESG reporting tools 
  • Consult on how the new reporting requirements can be strategically integrated into the business 
  • Report on the 12 ESG standards described in ESRS under CSRD
  • Sector-specific expertise that ensures knowledge of the company’s core business, potentials and limitations 
  • Identify and qualify the company’s sustainability potential in terms of environmental, social and economic sustainability. 
Green accounts 
  • Collect and qualify data
  • Calculations for Scopes 1, 2 and 3, cf. the Greenhouse Gas Protocol 
  • Identify and suggest reduction measures
  • Set targets for reduction potentials 
  • Communicate the efforts. 
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