The circular economy nerd

Aske Nydam Guldberg - Circular Economy Engineer and project manager within Society, Economics and Environment in Lyngby.

"It looks like magic! There is no other way to describe it!"

Aske has a passion for turning what you and I perceive as waste into new resources. His love for waste sorting goes all the way back to what he describes as an encounter with a magic eddy current separator. 

Meet Aske here and learn more about that encounter and what a great day looks like to an Ingenørd who is genuinely excited about turning trash into treasures.

Sign up here if, like Aske, you have a passion for upcycling (or another cool engineering discipline) and want to be the first to know when we have student assistant vacancies at COWI.


INGENØRD [enɕəˈnɶɐ̯ˀd]: An honorary title for people who enjoy immersing themselves in professional or personal passions, a trait that can generate a never-ending train of thought or result in constant attempts to discover connections and solve problems – which often leads to heated conversations with other 'ingenørds'. Often, but not necessarily, they have a degree in engineering.