The Sci-Fi Nerd

Marius Weydahl Berg  Chief Business Development Officer at COWI

“I’m interested in many different things, especially those that have to do with the future and space. But what really resonates with me is science fiction. Here, you combine the best of space and the future. There is a serious aspect to it and many visions, possibilities and scenarios. There is a lot to learn from good science fiction.

Watch the video below to learn more about Marius’ passion for sci-fi, Star Wars and how building LEGO spaceships was his first step towards becoming an engineer and an INGENØRD.

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INGENØRD [enɕəˈnɶɐ̯ˀd]: An honorary title for people who enjoy immersing themselves in professional or personal passions, a trait that can generate a never-ending train of thought or result in constant attempts to discover connections and solve problems – which often leads to heated conversations with other 'ingenørds'. Often, but not necessarily, they have a degree in engineering.